We partner with sponsors from private, public, and non-profit organizations who share our mission. This allows us to maintain a state of the art platform where market leaders work together to educate and motivate healthy choices.
We're parents who recognize society must be cautious about marketing to impressionable children. But rather than designing a site free of promotion, we think it's time industry leaders put their expertise to work helping us market healthy foods and exercise to children!
We designed this site to adhere to sponsorship and promotion guidelines we expect for our own children:
Our goal is to build a site where all sponsor and promotion material viewed by our subscribers will be limited to content, brands, and products that help us achieve our mission to inspire kids to make healthy choices.
We will work with sponsors to deliver and/or develop messages and educational games that meet our standards and comply with all applicable laws and industry regulations.
We invite all companies to follow our lead!
Our commitment is to target sponsors who are kid friendly and support the mission and vision of our site (wellness, nutrition, health, parenting, and giggles.) Contact us at mediasales@ViviLeDish.com for more information about sponsorship options.
Congratulations! You’ve just taken the first step on a new adventure designed to help your family establish healthy habits and warm memories that will last a lifetime!
Before we can set up your account, we need to verify your identity. We do that through Facebook.